During the summer of 1952, a group of old car lovers began attending parades and other events to display their vehicles. Before long, the group grew to the required minimum of 15 members needed to petition the National AACA for a regional charter. A charter was granted and the Lake Erie Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America was formed in November 1952.
The following individuals were among the charter members:
William M. Cryan, Caryl Paul, Garold Seifert, Dorothy Cryan, Howard Holmes, Dr. Robert Britt, Rudy Ribbeck, Franklin Schweitzer, Stephen Schimolski, Frank Stabell.
1952 Officers
Regional Director: Garold Seifert
Assistant Director: Howard Holmes
Secretary / Treasurer: William Cryan
Recording Secretary: Dorothy Cryan
Executive Board Members: Dr. Robert Britt, Caryl Paul, Franklin Schweitzer
In 1952, local dues were $1.50 a year and national dues were $6.00 a year.
Thanks to Tim Cryan, you can select and view documents from the clubs early history below: