The Old Photo Album

One of my favorite features of the old Courier Express newspaper which ceased publication in September 1982, was the Old Photo Album. It appeared in the Sunday Magazine supplement to the paper and if memory serves me well, typically offered 3 or 4 old photos from the newspaper’s archives of people, places and events from bygone years. 

I recently was the successful bidder for a ‘lot’ of goods (sight unseen) in an online auction that was described as “vintage automobile memorabilia”. Once I picked it up, I found it contained old photos, news clippings, manuals and automobile advertising ranging from the 1910’s to the 1960’s, along with a half bushel of vintage vehicle door handles.

Periodically (probably once a month) I will post some of this material here, and solicit comments or anecdotes from readers.

The postings will appear with the most recent first.

If anyone would like to comment or has similar materials they would like to share here with readers, please contact me at Your name will not be used unless you choose.

Posted May 27th, 2024

This month I am looking for some assistance. Can you help identify any of the vehicles in these photos?
Please send any information or comments you have to


On the door you can read, “Joseph Zoladz Lumber Co.”



All I know about this vehicle is that it is being driven by “Ethyl’s married younger sister from Cleveland”


There was no caption to tell me the names of the dogs sitting in this automobile.


These two look to be packed for a trip somewhere; neither look excited about it.


The hood ornament on this one appears to have wings spread wide.


The caption reads “1953 Farnham Ambulance”.


Posted April 20th, 2024

For this month I pulled out a few photos of Overlands and a sales brochure.

What’s left of a 1909 Overland


1922 Overland one quarter ton delivery truck.


This photo is dated 1936. It’s interesting that not only were the people captioned, but the 1922 Overland too


A closer view of the passenger side of the Overland in the previous photo; noted as having a 4cylinder engine and taken in 1933.


John Walker standing next to his 1917 Willys Overland Touring with Parking Lights and Wind Wings



The images below are from a sale brochure for the 1940 Willys Overland Slipstream.


Posted March 10th, 2024

Reposted March 21st, 2024

This month I’ve picked out photos of various Ford Model T’s, and another newspaper clipping.


1913 Model T Touring and 1931 Model A owned by Lester Pfleuger of Silver Creek. NY. The Model T appears to have been modified to raise the windshield with a taller firewall.


1915 Model T Police Patrol Wagon, and it looks like at least one person is being taken to the station. Paving stones and trolley tracks are visible at the right side of the photo. 


1924 Model T Panel Delivery also owned by Lester Pleuger, dated April 19th, 1961.


1926 Model T photographed at the corner of William and Bailey on May 26th, 1963. The caption on the back states it was owned by Sherwood Becker, provides his telephone number, and states it could be purchased for $450.


This photo and article appeared in the paper in 1967. Note the right hand location for the steering wheel. The caption makes no mention of the make/model of the vehicle. If you think you can identify it, email me at



I thought this image of the reverse side of the previous clipping was worth posting also. I found it curious that the vehicle displays an oval license plate and what appear to be four stickers on the front bumper. According to a Google search, “oval license plates were used in West Germany during the 1960’s. These oval plates were specifically for temporary purposes, issued to either export a car purchased in Germany or allow a foreign-registered car to be driven legally within the country for a short period. Regular German license plates were rectangular.” It made me wonder whether the stated price of $1774 was for a used vehicle, rather than a new 1967 model.

Also note the partial text to the left, explaining Ford’s introduction of their two sided key.



Posted January 30th, 2024

Here is a first sampling; does it bring back any memories? 

Any thoughts on the make/model of the vehicle in the background behind the framework of the tower?

  • An email was recently forwarded to us indicating that the youth in this photo recognized himself on this website. He is the son of the owner of these vehicles, and “plays with Miatas”.





This one was captioned “Dad and 1913 Autowagon 1915”.


Can anyone identify the first vehicle?

  • A club member responded that the engine cowling on the vehicle resembles those appearing on early Renaults. After reviewing online photos, the front fenders, cowling, headlights and sidelights on the vehicle in the photo are consistent with Renault vehicles from the 1910’s era.